Our collection
At the current time most of our items are in store and not all have been catalogued in the database. We are adding items to both the pyhsical collection as they are offered and are cataloguing items over time. You can search the
database below for items that have been catalogued so far.
In addition we have recently started photographing physical items in the database so that you can view a photo of them online in addtion to their description. At the present time few items are photographed as the majority are in long term storage, however as items in the store are accessed they will be photographed
We are also making some of our documents available online to widen access.
Online document of the day:  View Image Full members only | Item: 10794 Photo of prototype / experimental electronic reed relay exchange at Leamington Spa 1965. This was a prototype for what became the TXE2 system. Two designs were trialled, one by GEC at Leamington Spa and one by British Ericsson / Plessey at Peterborough. More details see article in April 65 POEEJ journal (item 10393). See also 10795 for photo of Peterborough equipment which was ultimately selected for the TXE2 production design. |